Thursday, January 19, 2006


I've seen the whole Japanese version, and yesterday I watched a few clips of the English one and it was the evil! The american word murder it!! Posh, any comments?

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Yay! June 10! June 10! June 10!
Howl's Moving Castle is coming out on June 10!!!

Or at least that's the unconfirmed release date. Still, Ushi and Abe and Justin and Meg and maybe even Emily will go. Or else. And we will all be happy and Anime-squee!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Wow. I'm really pitiful.

I have found new squee-worthy show! Fullmetal Alchemist. Cartoon Network Saturdays at 11:30 pm. I change shows so often it is kinda sad. As soon as the plot starts to get slow, I decide not to watch it anymore. Especially when they're only on once a week. ANd then I forget to check to see if they have picked up again and then I have missed so much of the plot, I decide trying to figure out what happened is too much trouble. Bleh. Oh well. This one would make a really good book if anyone ever wanted to write it, though.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Megatokyo is total craziness!! Have you read 682?!! It's crazy! What Erika says in panel 5!!! Eeek!!! >_< !!

Sunday, February 13, 2005


My cool thing key chain broke, and I can't find the pieces to fix it. Poo.
And other things too, but I forgot them.
Oh yes!
"'You are wearing a Happy Veggie Bunny suit. Please tell me why.'"
And the artist for Angels 2200 must be a fan because one of the characters was wearing an I*A*C (I am cute) shirt in a couple of the panels. Happy!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Let's talk about..

Megatokyo, for it is awesome!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I found a way to bind Superhero. We had thes clear plastic report covers in our cabinet. The kind that have the staticky pplastic covers and then have the slide-on spines. It looks rather nice though, even though I only have one page in it besides the cover.