Sunday, February 13, 2005


My cool thing key chain broke, and I can't find the pieces to fix it. Poo.
And other things too, but I forgot them.
Oh yes!
"'You are wearing a Happy Veggie Bunny suit. Please tell me why.'"
And the artist for Angels 2200 must be a fan because one of the characters was wearing an I*A*C (I am cute) shirt in a couple of the panels. Happy!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Let's talk about..

Megatokyo, for it is awesome!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I found a way to bind Superhero. We had thes clear plastic report covers in our cabinet. The kind that have the staticky pplastic covers and then have the slide-on spines. It looks rather nice though, even though I only have one page in it besides the cover.